24 October 2024
Daftar Isi
Aspirational meaning
Aspirational is:
- Definition: Aspirational is an adjective that describes something related to aspirations or desires for personal growth, achievement, or success.
The meaning of Aspirational and its history
History of the word Aspirational:
- The word “aspirational” originates from the noun “aspiration,” which dates back to the early 17th century, derived from the Latin word “aspiratio,” meaning “a breathing upon, an aspiring.” Over time, the adjective form “aspirational” emerged to describe things connected to aspirations and ambitions.
The meaning of Aspirational and its types
Type of Aspirational:
- Aspirational is an adjective.
The meaning of Aspirational and this is an example
Example from Aspirational:
- An aspirational goal: “Her dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur was an aspirational goal she worked hard to achieve.”
The meaning of Aspirational and this is an example sentence
Example sentences from the word Aspirational:
- “The luxurious vacation spot served as an aspirational destination for many travelers.”
- “The brand’s advertising campaign was designed to evoke an aspirational lifestyle that consumers desired.”
- “His confident and successful demeanor made him an aspirational figure for young professionals.”
The meaning of Aspirational and this is the correct pronunciation
Correct pronunciation of the word Aspirational:
- The correct pronunciation of “aspirational” is /əˈspɪreɪʃənəl/ (uh-spire-AY-shuh-nuhl).
The meaning of Aspirational and these are its synonyms and antonyms
Similarities and opposites of Aspirational:
- Similar words: Ambitious, aspiring, goal-oriented, high-reaching.
- Opposite words: Unambitious, content, satisfied, complacent.
The meaning of Aspirational and this is the translation
The meaning of Aspirational and translation in English:
- Meaning: Aspirational pertains to aspirations or dreams for personal growth, achievement, or success.
Meaning of Aspirational and translation in Hindi:
- Meaning: आकांक्षी (Ākāṅkṣī)
Meaning of Aspirational and translation in Urdu:
- Meaning: خواہش مند (Khawahish Mand)
Meaning of Aspirational and translation in Tamil:
- Meaning: ஆசையுள்ள (Ācaiyuḷḷa)
Please note that translations may have different nuances, and context is essential in accurately understanding the intended meaning.