21 February 2024
Colleague meaning
Definition: A colleague is a person with whom you work or collaborate, typically within the same organization or field of endeavor. Colleagues are individuals who share similar professional interests, responsibilities, and tasks. They can be coworkers, team members, or associates who contribute to achieving common goals and objectives. The term “colleague” is often used to refer to peers in a work or professional context.
The meaning of Colleague and its history
History of the Word “Colleague”:
- The word “colleague” originated from the Latin word “collega,” which is a combination of “col-” (meaning “together”) and “legare” (meaning “to choose” or “to appoint”). It originally referred to someone chosen or appointed to work together, often in a legal or political context.
The meaning of Colleague and its types
Type of Colleague:
- Colleagues can be classified based on their roles or relationships in a professional setting. Types of colleagues include coworkers, teammates, collaborators, partners, associates, peers, and co-workers.
The meaning of Colleague and this is an example
Example Sentence from Colleague:
- “I had a productive meeting with my colleagues to discuss the upcoming project.”

The meaning of Colleague and this is an example sentence
Example Sentences Using the Word “Colleague”:
- “I appreciate the valuable insights shared by my colleagues during the team meeting.”
- “My colleague and I have been working closely to finalize the presentation.”
- “She collaborated with her colleagues to develop a groundbreaking research paper.”
The meaning of Colleague and this is the correct pronunciation
Correct Pronunciation of the Word “Colleague”:
- /kɒˈliːɡ/ (kuh-LEEG)
The meaning of Colleague and these are its synonyms and antonyms
Similarities and Opposites of Colleague:
- Similarities: Partner, associate, collaborator
- Opposites: Competitor, opponent, rival
The meaning of Colleague and this is the translation
Meaning of Colleague and Translation in English:
- Meaning: A person with whom you work or collaborate, typically within the same organization or field of endeavor.
Meaning of Colleague and Translation in Hindi:
- Meaning: सहयोगी, जिसके साथ काम किया जाता है, आमतौर पर एक ही संगठन या क्षेत्र में। Translation: सहकर्मी
Meaning of Colleague and Translation in Urdu:
- Meaning: ایک شخص جس کے ساتھ کام کیا جاتا ہے، عموماً ایک ہی تنظیم یا شعبے میں۔ Translation: ساتھی
Meaning of Colleague and Translation in Tamil:
- Meaning: நேர்மையான அல்லது பகிர்வதற்கு உத்தமர்களும் தொழிலாளிகளும். Translation: சகவை
Meaning of Colleague and Translation in Nepali:
- Meaning: उपकरण वा क्षेत्रमा सहकार्य गर्ने व्यक्ति, प्राय: एक शरणामा वा क्षेत्रमा। Translation: सहकर्मी
Please note that the translations provided are approximate and may vary based on context.
What is colleague? Colleague Explained
Definition of Colleagues from The Fendi Haris Dictionary © fendiharis.com – August 11, 2023 23:07:01