19 October 2024

Destiny Meaning in Urdu and English with examples – The meaning of destiny in urdu is قسمت (Qismat).

Destiny meaning in Urdu:

  • قسمت (Qismat)
  • مقدر (Muqaddar)
  • نصیب (Naseeb)

Destiny meaning in English:

  • Destiny refers to the predetermined course of events considered to be beyond human control, often believed to be controlled by a supernatural power or force.

Definitions of Destiny:

  • Urdu: قسمت یا مقدر کا مطلب ہے جو واقعات کا پیش نظر راستہ ہوتا ہے اور عام طور پر انسانی کنٹرول سے باہر ہوتا ہے، اکثر معتقد ہوتا ہے کہ یہ کسی ماورائی طاقت یا طاقت کے زیر انتظام ہوتا ہے۔
  • English: Destiny refers to the predetermined course of events considered to be beyond human control, often believed to be controlled by a supernatural power or force.

Synonyms for Destiny (Urdu & English):

  • قسمت (Qismat) – Fate
  • مقدر (Muqaddar) – Fate
  • نصیب (Naseeb) – Fate
  • طالع (Tala) – Fate
  • تقدیر (Taqdeer) – Fate

Antonyms for Destiny (Urdu & English):

  • اختیار (Ikhtiyar) – Choice
  • آزادی (Azadi) – Freedom
  • اختیاری (Ikhtiyari) – Voluntary
  • خود اختیاری (Khud Ikhtiyari) – Autonomy

Examples of Destiny:

  1. She believed it was her destiny to become a famous singer.
  2. Despite his efforts, he couldn’t escape the destiny that awaited him.
  3. Some people believe that their destiny is written in the stars.
  4. No matter what path she chose, destiny seemed to lead her back to him.
  5. His belief in destiny gave him the strength to face life’s challenges with resilience.