24 October 2024
Daftar Isi
Faculty meaning
Faculty is:
- Definition: Faculty refers to a group of academic professionals within a university or college who specialize in a specific field of study. It can also mean inherent abilities or powers possessed by an individual.
The meaning of Faculty and its history
History of the word Faculty:
- The word “faculty” originated from the Latin word “facultas,” which means “ability” or “power.” Over time, it evolved to encompass various meanings, including academic disciplines and divisions within organizations.
The meaning of Faculty and its types
Type of Faculty:
- Academic Faculty: Group of educators and researchers within a university.
- Mental Faculty: Inherent cognitive abilities of a person, like memory and reasoning.
The meaning of Faculty and this is an example
Example from Faculty:
- Example: The Faculty of Medicine at the university is renowned for its groundbreaking research in healthcare.
The meaning of Faculty and this is an example sentence
Example sentences from the word Faculty:
- The faculty members collaborated on a research project to explore renewable energy solutions.
- Her artistic faculty allowed her to create stunning visual compositions.
- The university’s Faculty of Law offers a comprehensive legal education.
The meaning of Faculty and this is the correct pronunciation
Correct pronunciation of the word Faculty:
- Pronunciation: /ˈfækəlti/ (FACK-ul-tee)
The meaning of Faculty and these are its synonyms and antonyms
Similarities and opposites of Faculty:
- Similar: Department, Division, Expertise
- Opposite: Inexperience, Lack of Ability
The meaning of Faculty and this is the translation
The meaning of Faculty and translation in English:
- Meaning: Faculty refers to a group of academic professionals or inherent abilities.
- Translation: Faculty.
Meaning of Faculty and translation in Hindi:
- Meaning: “शक्ति” या “क्षमता” का समूह या विशेष विद्या क्षेत्र में शिक्षकों का समूह।
- Translation: विशेषता, कार्यशीलता
Meaning of Faculty and translation in Urdu:
- Meaning: کسی خصوصی شعبے کے تعلیمی پیشہ ورانہ پیشہ ورانہ گروہ یا قوتوں کا مجموعہ۔
- Translation: صلاحیت، ماہریت
Meaning of Faculty and translation in Tamil:
- Meaning: பயன்படுத்துவத்தின் படிப்பு அல்லது அவரவு திறன் தொடங்கும் குழு.
- Translation: திறமை, திறமையானது
Meaning of Faculty and translation in Nepali:
- Meaning: एक विशिष्ट शिक्षा क्षेत्रका विद्यार्थिहरूको समूह वा स्वाभाविक क्षमताहरूको समूह।
- Translation: क्षमता, विशेषज्ञता
Please note that translations can vary based on context and nuances of languages. If you need more translations or specific information, feel free to ask.