28 October 2024

What is Purchase? Definition, Word History, Phrases, Types, Example Sentences, Synonyms, Antonyms. Purchase Definition & Meaning in English, Hindi, Urdu, Tamil, Marathi? fendiharis.com – ( Date. July 22, 2023 14:35:01 )

What is Purchase?

Purchase refers to the act of obtaining or acquiring something by paying a certain amount of money or providing some other form of consideration, such as goods, services, or assets. It is the process of buying or procuring something, and it can involve various transactions, whether in person, online, or through other means.

As a noun, “purchase” can also refer to the item or thing that has been acquired through the transaction. In a broader sense, the term “purchase” can apply to any exchange of value where one party gains possession or ownership of an item, service, or right in exchange for payment or some other valuable consideration.

Word History of Purchase

Word History of Purchase: The word “purchase” comes from the Latin word “purchasare,” which means “to seek to obtain.” It entered the English language in the 14th century through Old French, where it was derived from “pourchacier,” meaning “to chase down” or “to seek after.” Over time, its meaning evolved to denote acquiring goods or property in exchange for money.

Purchase Meaning

The meaning of “purchase” is the act of acquiring or obtaining something by paying money or some other form of consideration. It can also refer to the item or thing that has been bought through the transaction. In simple terms, it means to buy or acquire something in exchange for payment.

Purchase Meaning in English: In English, “purchase” can refer to both the act of buying or acquiring something and the item or thing acquired through the transaction.

Purchase Meaning in Hindi: In Hindi, “purchase” is translated as “खरीद” (kharid).

Purchase Meaning in Urdu: In Urdu, “purchase” is translated as “خریداری” (khareedari).

Purchase Meaning in Tamil: In Tamil, “purchase” can be translated as “வாங்குதல்” (Vaanguthal).

Purchase Meaning in Marathi: In Marathi, “purchase” can be translated as “खरेदी” (kharedi).

Purchase - What is Purchase - Purchase Meaning - Purchase Definition
Purchase – What is Purchase – Purchase Meaning – Purchase Definition


Interpretations of Purchase:

  1. Acquisition of goods or property in exchange for money or something else of value.
  2. The act of obtaining or procuring something.
  3. An investment made to acquire an asset.

Purchase Types

Types of Purchase:

  1. Cash Purchase: Paying in cash for the item at the time of the transaction.
  2. Credit Purchase: Buying something on credit and agreeing to pay for it later.
  3. Online Purchase: Buying goods or services through the internet.
  4. Bulk Purchase: Buying items in large quantities to benefit from discounts or economies of scale.
  5. Impulse Purchase: Buying something on the spur of the moment without prior planning.


Phrases of Purchase:

  • Make a purchase.
  • Purchase order.
  • Purchase price.
  • Purchase decision.
  • Purchase agreement.
  • Purchase requisition.
  • Purchase confirmation.
  • Purchase receipt.
  • Purchase behavior.
  • Purchase contract.

Example Sentences

Example Sentences of Purchase:

  1. I need to make a purchase for a new laptop.
  2. The purchase of the house was completed last week.
  3. She made an impulse purchase and regretted it later.
  4. Our company issued a purchase order for the required materials.
  5. The purchase price of the car was quite reasonable.
  6. He hesitated before making the purchase decision.
  7. The purchase agreement was signed by both parties.
  8. Please fill out this purchase requisition form.
  9. The online purchase was delivered on time.
  10. The customer requested a purchase confirmation email.

Similar and Opposite Words ( Synonyms Antonyms )

  • Similar words of Purchase: Buy, acquire, procure, obtain, secure, get.
  • Opposite words of Purchase: Sell, dispose, give away, relinquish, forfeit, lose.

Summary Definition of Purchase

Definition of Purchase: Purchase is a noun and a verb, and it refers to the act of acquiring or obtaining something by paying money or some other form of consideration. As a noun, it can also mean the item or thing that has been bought.