by Fendi Haris
How much does a Coding Specialist make in United States? The average salary for a coding specialist in United States Per Hour, Per Day, Per Month and Per Year. Coding Specialist Salary in United States Per Hour: $25.39 Per Day: $262 Per Month: $4,136 Per...
by Fendi Haris
How much does a Coding Specialist make in Texas? The average salary for a coding specialist in Texas Per Hour, Per Day, Per Month and Per Year. Coding Specialist Salary in Texas Per Hour: $24.80 Per Day: $256 Per Month: $4,039 Per Year: $57,045 [visualizer...
by Fendi Haris
How much does a Coding Specialist make in New York? The average salary for a coding specialist in New York Per Hour, Per Day, Per Month and Per Year. Coding Specialist Salary New York Per Hour: $30.41 Per Day: $314 Per Month: $4,953 Per Year: $69,951 [visualizer...
by Fendi Haris
How much does a Coding Specialist make in Michigan? The average salary for a coding specialist in Michigan Per Hour, Per Day, Per Month and Per Year. Coding Specialist Salary Michigan Per Hour: $21.91 Per Day: $226 Per Month: $3,569 Per Year: $50,407...
by Fendi Haris
How much does a Coding Specialist make in Florida? The average salary for a coding specialist in Florida Per Hour, Per Day, Per Month and Per Year. Coding Specialist Salary Florida [visualizer id=”49125″ lazy=”no” class=””] The...
by Fendi Haris
How much does a Coding Specialist make in California? The average salary for a coding specialist in California Per Hour, Per Day, Per Month and Per Year. [visualizer id=”49123″ lazy=”no” class=””] Coding Specialist Salary California...