28 October 2024

Submission Meaning, Definition, Pronunciation, Etymology, Sentence, Synonym, Antonym & FAQ ‘Submission’. fendiharis.com – ( Date. August 26, 2023 12:39:01 )

What is Submission

Definition – What is Submission? Submission refers to the action of surrendering to a higher authority, complying with requests or rules, or presenting something for consideration or judgment. It can involve yielding one’s own will or opinion to another, often out of respect, deference, or following established protocols.

Submission Meaning:

  • English: In English, “submission” refers to the act of yielding to a higher authority, complying with a request or order, or presenting something for consideration or judgment.
  • Hindi: In Hindi, “जमा करना” (jama karna) or “अधीनता” (adheenta) can be used to convey the idea of submission.
  • Urdu: In Urdu, “فرمانبرداری” (farmānbar-dārī) or “تسلیم” (taslīm) are words that represent submission.
  • Tamil: In Tamil, “சமர்ப்பிப்பு” (samarpippu) is the term used for submission.
  • Marathi: In Marathi, “पाठवणे” (pāṭhavaṇe) or “सौंपणे” (saumpaṇe) can be used to express submission.
  • Bengali: In Bengali, “জমা” (jama) or “আবদ্ধতা” (abaddhata) can be used to convey the concept of submission.
what is submission
What is submission

Submission Pronunciation: You can listen to the pronunciation of “submission” on websites like Forvo or Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries for accurate audio representation.

Submission Etymology: The word “submission” comes from the Latin word “submissio,” which is derived from the verb “submittere,” meaning “to put under” or “to yield.”

Submission Meaning in A Sentence: “His humble submission to the teacher’s instructions impressed everyone.”

Submission Synonym and Antonym

Submission Synonyms: Yielding, surrender, compliance, obedience, deference, acquiescence, subservience, deferential, docility.

Submission Antonyms: Resistance, defiance, rebellion, insubordination, disobedience, noncompliance, dissent.

Submission Meaning FAQ

What does submission mean?

Submission refers to the act of yielding to a higher authority, complying with a request or order, or presenting something for consideration.

What are some synonyms for submission?

Some synonyms for submission include compliance, obedience, deference, acquiescence, and docility.

What is the opposite of submission?

The opposite of submission includes resistance, defiance, rebellion, and insubordination.

What is the origin of the word “submission”?

The pronunciation of “submission” can be found on various online dictionaries and pronunciation resources.

How is “submission” pronounced?

The pronunciation of “submission” can be found on various online dictionaries and pronunciation resources.

Please note that language and its nuances can vary, so it’s always a good idea to consult native speakers or reliable language references for the most accurate usage.