21 February 2024
Find Out What is Wordy? Definition, Meaning of ‘Wordy’. Examples, Synonyms, Antonyms for Wordy. fendiharis.com – ( Date. August 24, 2023 12:22:01 )
Wordy Meaning
Wordy Meaning – “Wordy” is an adjective used to describe something that contains an excessive number of words or is overly verbose. When a piece of writing or speech is considered wordy, it means that it uses more words than necessary to convey the intended message, which can lead to a lack of clarity and make the communication more difficult to understand. In essence, “wordy” suggests that a text or conversation could be more concise and to the point, without sacrificing its meaning or effectiveness.
Translations Wordy meaning in English, Hindi, Tamil, Urdu, Marathi, India, Kannada, Spanish, Arabic:
- English: Wordy.
- Hindi: शब्दों से भरपूर (Shabdon se bharpur).
- Tamil: வார்த்தைகள் மிகுந்த (Vaarththaigal mikhundha).
- Urdu: الفاظی (Alfaazi).
- Marathi: शब्दांच्या अत्यधिक (Shabdanchya atyadhik).
- Kannada: ಮಾತುಗಳು ಹೆಚ್ಚಾಗಿದೆ (Maatugalu hechaagide).
- Spanish: Verboso/a.
- Arabic: كثير الكلام (Katheer al-kalaam).
Please note that translations can have nuances and might not always capture the exact connotation, so it’s a good practice to consider the context when using translated terms.
Definition What is Wordy
Definition What is Wordy? The term “wordy” refers to the excessive or unnecessary use of words, resulting in a passage, sentence, or piece of writing that is overly long, verbose, and often cumbersome to read or comprehend.
Wordiness can make communication less clear and efficient by diluting the main message with unnecessary details, redundancies, or repetitive phrases. Effective communication typically involves conveying ideas concisely and directly, avoiding unnecessary embellishments or repetitions.
Wordy Examples
Here are a few examples to illustrate the concept of “wordy” sentences:
- Wordy: “In my personal opinion, I believe that the weather today is rather quite nice.” Concise: “I think the weather today is nice.”
- Wordy: “Due to the fact that he was unable to attend the meeting, he provided his explanations via written correspondence.” Concise: “Since he couldn’t attend the meeting, he explained through writing.”
- Wordy: “In spite of the fact that she had a strong aversion to it, she went ahead and tried the new dish that she had never tasted before.” Concise: “Despite her strong aversion, she tried the new dish.”
- Wordy: “At this point in time, we are not in possession of any information regarding the current status of the project.” Concise: “Currently, we don’t have any information about the project’s status.”
- Wordy: “In order to successfully complete the task, it is absolutely necessary that we collaborate closely together as a team.” Concise: “To complete the task, we must collaborate as a team.”
- Wordy: “He has a tendency to be excessively talkative and often goes off on tangents that are not relevant to the main topic of conversation.” Concise: “He tends to talk a lot and goes off-topic frequently.”
In these examples, the “wordy” versions contain unnecessary phrases or redundancies that can be omitted without changing the core meaning of the sentences. The “concise” versions convey the same information more efficiently.
Wordy Synonyms
Here are some synonyms for “wordy”:
- Verbose.
- Prolix.
- Long-winded.
- Tautological.
- Repetitive.
- Rambling.
- Circumlocutory.
- Loquacious.
- Redundant.
- Garrulous.
These words all convey the idea of using more words than necessary, resulting in overly lengthy or convoluted expressions.
Wordy Antonyms
Here are some antonyms for “wordy”:
- Concise.
- Succinct.
- Brief.
- Terse.
- Laconic.
- Compact.
- Pithy.
- Economical.
- Short.
- to-the-point.
These antonyms describe communication that is clear, efficient, and uses a minimal amount of words to convey the intended message.

Wordy FAQ
What does it mean if someone is wordy?
If someone is described as “wordy,” it means that they tend to use more words than necessary to express themselves, often leading to long-winded or verbose communication. A wordy person may provide excessive details, repeat themselves, or use unnecessary phrases, which can make their communication less clear and concise.
What is an example of wordy?
An example of a wordy sentence: “Due to the fact that I am experiencing a high level of fatigue from a lack of sleep last night, I am unable to attend the morning meeting.” (Wordy)
Is it wordy or wordie?
A corrected, less wordy version: “I can’t attend the morning meeting because I didn’t sleep well last night.” (Concise). The correct term is “wordy,” not “wordie.”