17 February 2024
Daftar Isi
Insanity meaning
What is the meaning of insanity? Insanity is a legal and medical term used to describe a state of mental illness or impairment that can affect a person’s ability to understand reality, make rational decisions, and behave in a socially acceptable manner. In a legal context, it may impact a person’s responsibility for their actions.
The meaning of insanity and its history
History of the word “insanity”:
- The term “insanity” has its origins in the Latin word “insanus,” which means “not healthy in mind.” It has been used throughout history to describe various forms of mental disorder and impairment.
The meaning of insanity and its types
Type of “insanity”:
- There are several types of “insanity,” including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and major depressive disorder.
The meaning of insanity and this is an example
Example Sentence from “insanity”:
- “Her sudden outbursts and irrational behavior were clear signs of insanity.”

The meaning of insanity and this is the correct pronunciation
Correct Pronunciation of the Word “insanity”:
- The correct pronunciation is /ɪnˈsænəti/.
The meaning of insanity and these are its synonyms and antonyms
Similarities and Opposites of “insanity”:
- Similarities: Lunacy, derangement, madness
- Opposites: Sanity, rationality, soundness.
The meaning of insanity and this is the translation
- Meaning of “insanity” and Translation in English: “Insanity” refers to a severe state of mental disorder or madness. It is characterized by impaired cognitive functions and irrational behavior.
- Meaning of “insanity” and Translation in Hindi: The meaning of “insanity” in Hindi is “मनोविकल्प.”
- Meaning of “insanity” and Translation in Urdu: The meaning of “insanity” in Urdu is “پاگل پن” (Pagalpan).
- Meaning of “insanity” and Translation in Tamil: The meaning of “insanity” in Tamil is “மனநலமற்ற.”
- Meaning of “insanity” and Translation in Nepali: The meaning of “insanity” in Nepali is “मानसिक असान्तुलन.”