by Fendi Haris
How much does a Medical Biller make in Florida? The average salary for a Medical Biller in Florida Per Hour, Per Day, Per Month and Per Year. Medical Biller Salary in Florida Per Hour: $19.16 Per Day: $198 Per Week: $640 Per Month: $2,475 Per Year: $34,952 Did you... by Fendi Haris
How much does a Medical Biller make in Michigan? The average salary for a Medical Biller in Michigan Per Hour, Per Day, Per Month and Per Year. Medical Biller Salary in Michigan Per Hour: $18.70 Per Day: $194 Per Week: $624 Per Month: $2,415 Per Year: $34,105 Did you...
by Fendi Haris
How much does a Medical Biller make in New York? The average salary for a Medical Biller in New York Per Hour, Per Day, Per Month and Per Year. Medical Biller Salary in New York Per Hour: $23.33 Per Day: $241 Per Week: $778 Per Month: $3,013 Per Year: 42,548 Did you...
by Fendi Haris
How much does a Medical Biller make in Texas? The average salary for a Medical Biller in Texas Per Hour, Per Day, Per Month and Per Year. Medical Biller Salary in Texas Per Hour: $17.91 Per Day: $185 Per Week: $598 Per Month: $2,313 Per Year: 32,670 Did you know that...
by Fendi Haris
How much does a Medical Biller make in the United States? The average salary for a Medical Biller in The United States Per Hour, Per Day, Per Month and Per Year. Medical Biller Salary in United States Per Hour: $23.33 Per Day: $241 Per Week: $778 Per Month: $3,013 Per... by Fendi Haris
How much does a Coding Manager make in New York? The average salary for a coding manager in New York Per Hour, Per Day, Per Month and Per Year. Coding Manager Salary in New York Per Hour: $43.05 Per Day: $445 Per Month: $7,104 Per Year: 100,330 Source: Indeed Did you...